Eudes Prado Lopes


Eudes is a cultural anthropology PhD student at Cornell University and holds a bachelor's degree in anthropology and public policy at Princeton University. His research interests focus on the cultural relevance of economic thought and its embeddedness in the financial markets. He localizes his research in Brazil where the conflicting knowledge demands of powerful public and private financial institutions make visible (in distinctive ways) shifting geopolitical paradigms. 

Eudes has been involved in the development of several academic programs at Cornell University such as the Global Finance Initiative at the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies and the Meridian 180 project at the Cornell Law School. More recently, he has participated in research projects with the Economics Institute at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the Emerging Markets Institute at the Johnson School. Eudes' current dissertation research involves ongoing field-based studies with the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES), the Brazilian capital markets and the Brazilian Central Bank.
