Chloe Ahmann:
Futures after Progress: Hope and Doubt in Late Industrial Baltimore. University of Chicago Press. 2024
Adam Clark Arcadi:
Wild Chimpanzees: Social Behavior of An Endangered Species. Cambridge University Press. 2018
Caitlin Eilis Barrett
Domesticating Empire: Egyptian Landscapes in Pompeian Gardens. Oxford University Press. 2019
Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos: A Study in Hellenistic Religion. Brill. 2011
Daniel Bass:
Up-country Tamils: Charting a New Future in Sri Lanka, Co- edited with B. Skanthakumar. International Centre for Ethnic Studies. 2020.
Sri Lanka: The Struggle for Peace in the Aftermath of War, co-edited with Amarnath Amarasingam. Oxford University Press. 2016
Everyday Ethnicity in Sri Lanka: Up-country Tamil Identity Politics. Routledge. 2012
Sherene Baugher:
Monuments and Memory: Archaeological Perspectives on Commemoration (John H Jameson, Sherene Baugher, and Richard Veit, editors). University Press of Florida. Anticipated publication date of Jan. 14 2025
Creating Participatory Dialogue in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Interpretation: Multinational Perspectives, (John H. Jameson and Sherene Baugher, editors). Springer. 2022
Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States (Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, editors). Springer, 2017
The Archaeology of American Cemeteries and Gravemarkers. (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit). University Press of Florida, 2014
Archaeology and Preservation of Gendered Landscapes (Sherene Baugher and Suzanne Spencer-Wood, editors). Springer, 2010
Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups (John H. Jameson, Jr. and Sherene Baugher, Editors). Springer, 2007
Sarah Besky:
Tasting Qualities: The Past and Future of Tea. University of California Press. 2020
How Nature Works: Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet. Sarah Besky and Alex Blanchette, editors. School for Advanced Research (SAR) Press. 2019
The Darjeeling Distinction: Labor and Justice on Fair-Trade Tea Plantations in India. University of California Press. 2014
Jonathan Boyarin:
Yeshiva Days. Princeton University Press. 2020
Jewish Families. Rutgers University Press. 2013
Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul: A Lower East Side Summer. Fordham University Press. 2011
The Unconverted Self: Jews, Indians, and the Identity of Christian Europe. University of Chicago Press. 2009
Time and Human Language Now. Prickly Paradigm Press. 2009
Jewishness and the Human Dimension. New York : Fordham University Press. 2008
Magnus Fiskesjö:
Stories from an Ancient Land: Perspectives on Wa History and Culture. Berghahn: 2021
China Before China: Johan Gunnar Andersson, Ding Wenjiang, and the Discovery of China’s Prehistory. Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 2004
The Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, the Death of Teddy's Bear and the Sovereign Exception of Guantánamo. Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003
Frederic Wright Gleach:
Histories of Anthropology Annual. ongoing series (edited with Regna Darnell) Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Volumes 1-14 published 2005-2021; volume 15 in press.
Celebrating a Century of the American Anthropological Association: Presidential Portraits. (edited with Regna Darnell) University of Nebraska Press and the American Anthropological Association, 2002
Southern Indians and Anthropologists: Culture, Politics, and Identities. (edited with Lisa J. Lefler) University of Georgia Press, 2002
Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures. University of Nebraska Press, 2000
Denise Green:
Fashion and Cultural Studies. (Co-authored By Susan B. Kaiser)Bloomsbury, 2021
John Henderson:
World of the Ancient Maya. 2nd ed. (1st ed. 1981). Cornell University Press, 1997
Lowland Maya Civilization in the Eighth Century A.D. (co-edited with Jeremy A. Sabloff). Dumbarton Oaks, 1993
Configurations of Power: Holistic Anthropology in Theory and Practice. (co-edited with Patricia J. Netherly). Cornell University Press, 1993
Pottery of Prehistoric Honduras: Regional Classification and Analysis. (co-edited with Marilyn P. Beaudry-Corbett) UCLA Institute of Archaeology, Monograph 35, 1993
Archaeology in Northwestern Honduras: Interim Reports of the Proyecto Arqueologico Sula. (edited). Occasional Papers. Latin American Studies Program, Cornell University, 1984
Atopula, Guerrero, and Olmec Horizons in Mesoamerica. Yale University Publications in Anthropology, Number 77. 1979
Saida Hodžić:
The Twilight of Cutting: African Activism and Life after NGOs. University of California Press, 2017
David Holmberg
Mutual Regards: America and Nepal Seen through Each Other's Eyes. Jivan Support Press. 1994
Order in Paradox: Myth, Ritual, and Exchange among Nepal's Tamang. Cornell University Press. 1989
Kurt Jordan:
The Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫɁ People in the Cayuga Lake Region. The History Center in Tompkins County. 2022.
Smith Woods: The Environmental History of an Old Growth Forest Remnant in Central New York State, second edition. Co-authored with Warren Allmon, Marvin Pritts, Peter Marks, Blake Epstein, and David Bullis. Paleontological Research Institution Special Publication No. 59, 2021.
The Seneca Restoration, 1715-1754: An Iroquois Local Political Economy . Gainesville: University Press of Florida and the Society for Historical Archaeology. (2008)
Lori Khatchadourian:
Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: The Archaeology of Eurasia (third author, with Kathryn Weber, Emma Hite, and Adam T. Smith). Brill. 2017
Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires. University of California Press. 2016
Stacey A. Langwick:
Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing. Co-edited with Hansjoerg Dilger and Abdoulaye Kane. Indiana University Press, 2012
Bodies, Politics, and African Healing: The Matter of Maladies in Tanzania. Indiana University Press, 2011
Sturt W. Manning:
New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology. Kearns, C. and Manning, S.W. (eds.). Cornell University Press. 2019
A Test of Time and A Test of Time Revisited. The volcano of Thera and the chronology and history of the Aegean and east Mediterranean in the mid-second millennium BC. Oxbow Books. 2014
Tree-Rings, Kings and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm. Manning, S.W. and Bruce, M.J. (eds.). Oxbow Books. 2009
The Late Roman Church at Maroni Petrera: Survey and salvage excavations 1990-1997, and other traces of Roman remains in the lower Maroni Valley, Cyprus. Manning, S.W., et al. Nicosia: The A.G. Leventis Foundation. 2002
The Absolute Chronology of the Aegean Early Bronze Age: archaeology, history and radiocarbon. Sheffield Academic Press. 2001
Kathryn March:
If Each Come Halfway: Meeting Tamang Woman in Nepal. Cornell University Press. 2002
Mutual Regards: America and Nepal Seen through Each Other’s Eyes. Jivan Support Press. 1995
Viranjini Munasinghe:
Callaloo or Tossed Salad?: East Indians and the Cultural Politics of Identity in Trinidad. Cornell University Press, 2001
Paul Nadasdy:
Sovereignty's Entailments: First Nation State Formation in the Yukon. University of Toronto Press, 2017
Knowing Nature: Conversations at the Intersection of Political Ecology and Science Studies. (co-edited with M. Goldman and M. Turner). University of Chicago Press, 2011
Hunters and Bureaucrats: Power, Knowledge, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Southwest Yukon. University of British Columbia Press, 2003
Alex Nading:
Mosquito Trails: Ecology, Health, and the Politics of Entanglement. University of California Press, 2014
Juno Salazar Parrenas:
Decolonizing Extinction: The Work of Care in Orangutan Rehabilitation. Duke University Press. 2018.
Gender: Animals, Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks. Macmillan Reference USA. 2017.
Rachel E. Prentice:
Bodies in Formation: Remaking Anatomy and Surgery Education. Duke University Press. 2012
Lucinda Ramberg:
Given to the Goddess: South Indian Devadasis and the Sexuality of Religion Duke University Press, 2014
Conjugality and Beyond: Sexual Economy, State Regulation and the Marital Form in India, edited with Srimati Basu. Women Unlimited Press, 2015
Nerissa Russell:
Social Zooarchaeology: Humans and Animals in Prehistory. Cambridge University Press. 2012
Paul Steven Sangren:
Filial Obsessions: Chinese Patriliny and Its Discontents. Palgrave Macmillan. 2017
Chinese Sociologics: An Anthropological Account of Alienation and Social Reproduction. Bloomsbury Academic. 2000
Myth, Gender, and Subjectivity. Hsin Chu Bank Endowed Lecture Series on Thought and Culture. The Program for Research of Intellectual-Cultural History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan: R.O.C. 1997
History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community. Stanford University Press. 1985
Vilma Santiago-Irizarry:
Medicalizing Ethnicity: The Construction of Latino Identity in a Psychiatric Setting. Cornell University Press, 2001
Adam T. Smith:
Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics: Rethinking Community and Temporality in Eurasian Archaeology. Co-edited with L. Khatchadourian, K. Weber, E. Hite). Brill Academic Publishers. 2016
The Political Machine: Assembling Sovereignty in the Bronze Age Caucasus. Princeton University Press, 2015
The Archaeology of Power and Politics in Eurasia: Regimes and Revolutions. Co-edited with Charles Hartley and G. Bike Yazıcıoğlu. Cambridge University Press, 2012
The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies I: The Foundations of Research and Regional Survey in the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia (with R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan). Oriental Institute Press, 2009
Social Orders and Social Landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology. Co-edited with L. Popova and C. Hartley. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007
Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology. Co-edited with D. Peterson and L. Popova. Colloquia Pontica Series. Brill, 2006
The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities. The University of California Press, 2003
Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond. Co-edited with K. Rubinson. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications at UCLA, 2003
Noah Tamarkin:
Genetic Afterlives: Black Jewish Indigeneity in South Africa. Duke University Press, 2020.
Yohko Tsuji:
Through Japanese Eyes: Thirty Years of Studying Aging in America. Rutgers University Press. 2020
Social Change in Thailand: A. Thomas Kirsch, a Northeastern Village, and Two Families. (editor). CreateSpace: Charleston, South Carolina. 2010
Matthew Velasco:
The Mountain Embodied: Head Shaping and Personhood in the Ancient Andes. University of Texas Press. July 2025
Sofia Villenas:
Handbook of Latinos and education: Theory, research and practice. (co-edited with E. Murillo Jr., R. Trinidad Galvan, C. Martinez, J. Muñoz, and M. Machado-Casas) Routledge and Taylor Francis Group, 2010
Chicana/Latina education in everyday life: Feminista perspectives on pedagogy and epistemology. (co-edited with D. Delgado Bernal, C.A. Elenes and F. Godinez). State University of New York Press, 2006
Race is ... race isn’t: Critical race theory and qualitative studies in education. (co-edited with L. Parker, and D. Deyhle) Westview Press, 1999
Marina Welker:
Kretek Capitalism: Making, Marketing, and Consuming Clove Cigarettes in Indonesia. University of California Press. 2024
Enacting the Corporation: An American Mining Firm in Post-authoritarian Indonesia. University of California Press. 2014
Andrew Willford:
The Future of Bangalore's Cosmopolitan Pasts: Civility and Difference in a Global City. University of Hawaii Press, 2018
Tamils and the Haunting of Justice: History and Recognition in Malaysia’s Plantations U. Hawaii Press, 2014
Clio/Anthropos: Exploring the Boundaries between History and Anthropology. Andrew Willford and Eric Tagliacozzo, eds. Stanford University Press, 2009
Cage of Freedom: Tamil Identity and the Ethnic Fetish in Malaysia. University of Michigan Press, 2006. Asian edition: National University of Singapore Press, 2007
Spirited Politics: Religion and Public Life in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Andrew Willford and Kenneth George, eds. Cornell University: SEAP Publications, 2005