Student Research in Anthropology

Our courses prepare students for individual and collaborative research in Anthropology. We train students in various methods of anthropological research, learning, and production. Some specific methods courses include:

Ethnographic Methods: ANTHR 4403 Ethnographic Field Methods

Engaged Anthropology: ANTHR 1900 Global Engagements: Living and Working in a Diverse World, and ANTHR 4200 Field Methods in Community Engaged Archaeology

Visual Anthropology: ANTHR 3110 Documentary Production Fundamentals

Archeological methods: ANTHR 4235 Meaningful Stuff: Interpreting Material Culture, ANTHR 4240 Collecting Culture: Museums and Anthropology, ANTHR 4263 Zooarchaeological Methods

Bioarcheology methods: ANTHR 3235 Bioarcheology and ANTHR 4246 Human Osteology

Anthropological research is an unparalleled way to gain experience working independently in the global community. The Department of Anthropology has many partners on campus and around the world that enable our students and faculty members to explore collaborative research opportunities.  Students can work with faculty but are also encouraged to develop their own skills at imagining, designing, and executing individual research projects.

The Freedman Fund for Undergraduate Research, funded by an endowment established by Randy ‘75 and Howard ‘74, MBA ‘75 Freedman, supports undergraduate students in undertaking anthropological research.

The Department of Anthropology is grateful for the generous donors who make this award possible as they provide students with opportunities for transformative research and experiences. 

Visit the engaged anthropology page for more information on student opportunities.

Dalton Price '20 conducted research for his honors thesis with support from the Freedman Fund for Undergraduate Research. Watch Dalton's presentation:  "Global Health's Anti-Politics: A Comparative Ethnography of the World Health Organization and Partners in Health" 
