Kristina is a PhD student in sociocultural anthropology. Her research explores everyday life in post-2022 Moscow marked by war anxieties, economic ups and downs, and tightening state power. She asks how, amidst daily tragedy, people make do and find meaning. Approaching the topic auto-ethnographically, she begins with conversations with her family and their social circle, paying close attention to generational changes and continuities. In particular, she uses socio-economic class as a lens to study changing configurations of constraint and freedom. Reinhabiting her family’s multigenerational “brezhnevka” apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, Kristina finds that questions of who will do the dishes and wash the floor often neighbor with speculations on life and death.
Originally from Moscow, Russia, Kristina received her BA in environmental arts and humanities from Sewanee: The University of the South in Tennessee.