Sherene Baugher

Professor Emeritus


As a historical archaeologist working on North American sites, my research focuses on how material culture and human alterations to the landscape reveal the lifestyles of underrepresented citizens, in terms of the location of their homes, gardens, and workspaces. I analyze the roles played by people of diverse backgrounds in terms of class, gender, race, and ethnicity and how these different people designed and transformed their communities. To accomplish this work, I focus on material culture to analyze and reveal the lifestyles and landscapes of the working class and the underclass, as well as other underrepresented groups, such as Native Americans.  Because of my interdisciplinary work in landscape architecture and historic preservation, I am involved in research questions regarding “landscapes of memory” and the preservation and interpretation of those landscapes.  My community partnerships enable me to connect past to present and to reveal connections to these sites held by these various descendant communities – to what scholars’ term “the power of place.”

As the first City Archeologist for New York City (1980-1990), I learned the importance of linking research, outreach, and community collaboration. I also developed a greater understanding of law, government, and the role we can play in changing public policy. As an academic archaeologist, I am concerned about civic engagement. Because of this background, I am committed to incorporating service-learning, engaged learning, and community collaborations into my teaching and research. A goal of my applied research is to demonstrate that archaeologists, community members, landscape architects, planners, preservationists, historians, and public officials can work together to preserve endangered Native American, colonial, and 19th-century archaeological sites and to reveal the stories of these complex cultural landscapes.

Interests:  Archaeology & Material Culture; Historical Archaeology; Engaged Anthropology and Engaged Archaeology

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Research Focus

North American Historical Archaeology (urban and rural)

Ethnicity, Inequality, Gender, and Class Studies

Archaeology of American Cemeteries and Gravestones                                                                        

Landscapes of Memory and Landscapes of Inequality

Archaeology of Tourism




2017      Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States (Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, editors). Springer, New York.

2014      The Archaeology of American Cemeteries and Gravemarkers. (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit).  University Press of Florida: Gainesville.

2010      Archaeology and Preservation of Gendered Landscapes (Sherene Baugher and Suzanne Spencer-Wood, editors).  Springer: New York.

2007     Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups (John H. Jameson, Jr. and Sherene Baugher, Editors).  Springer: New York.


Selected Articles and Book Chapters

2021    Discovering Enfield Falls: A Community Initiated Archaeological Heritage Project in Ithaca, New York Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 8 (3): 1-17.

2020    Advances in Gravestone and Cemetery Studies in the United States and the Commonwealth of Nations (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit).  In The Routledge Handbook of Historical Archaeology, edited by Charles E. Orser, Andres Zarankin, Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Susan Lawrence, and James Symonds, pp: 553-572. Routledge, London, UK.

2020    In Search of the Tutelo Town of Coreorgonel: From Excavation to Creation of a Commemorative Park (Sherene Baugher and George Frantz). The Bulletin, Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association 134: 1-11

2017      Reflections on the New York City Archaeology Program (1980-2016).  In Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States, edited by Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, pp: 227-255. Springer, New York.

2017    Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Exploring the Relationships Between Community, Archaeological Heritage and Local Government (Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss).  In Urban Archaeology, Municipal Government and Local Planning: Preserving Heritage within the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States, edited by Sherene Baugher, Douglas R. Appler, and William Moss, pp: 1-13. Springer, New York.

2014      Communicating Archaeology: Education, Ethics, and Community Outreach in North America.  In the Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, vol. 3, edited by Claire Smith, pp: 1580-1588.  Springer, New York.

2013     The Inlet Valley Project: Reflections on an Early Model for Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Service-Learning Courses in Landscape Architecture  (Sherene Baugher and George Frantz).  Landscape Journal 32 (1): 113-130.

2013      John Zuricher, Stone Cutter, and His Imprint on the Religious Landscape of Colonial New York (Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit).  In Tales of Gotham: Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Microhistory of New York City, edited by Meta F. Janowitz and Diane Dallal, pp: 225-247.  Springer: New York.

2013      Confirming Relevance: How American and Canadian Archaeologists are Training Youth and Adults in Archaeology, Heritage Studies, and Community Partnerships. In Training and Practice for Modern Day Archaeologists, edited by John H. Jameson and James Eogan, pp: 105-124.  Springer: New York.

2010      Landscapes of Power: Middle Class and Lower Class Power Dynamics in a New York Charitable Institution.  International Journal of Historical Archaeology 14 (4): 475-497.

2010      Sailors’ Snug Harbor: A Landscape of Gender and Power. In Archaeology and Preservation of Gendered Landscapes, edited by Sherene Baugher and Suzanne Spencer-Wood, pp: 165-187.  Springer: New York.

2010      The Archaeology of the Matron’s Cottage: A Household of Female Employees at Sailors’ Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New YorkNortheast Historical Archaeology 37: 1-20.

2009      The John Street Methodist Church: An Archaeological Excavation with Native American Cooperation. Historical Archaeology 43(1): 46-64.

2009      Benefits of and Barriers to Archaeological Service Learning: Examples from New York.  In Archaeological and Community Service Learning, edited by Michael Nassaney and Mary Ann Levine, pp: 36-58.  University Press of Florida: Gainesville.

2009     Historical Overview of the Archaeology of Institutional Life. In the Archaeology of Institutional Life, edited by April M. Beisaw and James G. Gibb, pp: 5-13. University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa.

2007    Service-Learning: Partnering with the Public as a Component of Archaeology Courses.  In Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups, edited by John H. Jameson, Jr. and Sherene Baugher, pp. 187-202.  Springer: New York.

2007     A Hierarchy of Poverty: The Life of Retired Seamen at Sailors’ Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New York.  Northeast Anthropologist, 73: 69-95.

2007    New York Odyssey: Forging Partnerships in American Archaeological Outreach.  Northeast Anthropologist, 73: 43-60.

2007      The Separation of Church and Site: Old First Church, Middletown, New Jersey (Gerry Scharfenberger and Sherene Baugher).  Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology, vol 23: 35-60.

2005       Sacredness, Sensitivity, and Significance: The Controversy Over Native American Sacred Sites.In Heritage of Value, Archaeology of Renown: Reshaping Archaeological Assessment and Significance, edited by Clay Mathers, Tim Darvill, and Barbara Little, pp: 248-275.University Press of Florida: Gainesville.

2003      What is It?  Archaeological Evidence of Nineteenth-Century Agricultural Drainage Systems.  Northeast Historical Archaeology, vol 30-31: 23-40.

2003      Addressing an Historic Preservation Dilemma:  The Future of Nineteenth-Century Farmstead Archaeology in the Northeast (Terry Klein and Sherene Baugher). Northeast Historical Archaeology, vol 30-31: 167-180.

2002      Archaeological Perspectives on and Contributions to the Study of Colonial American Gardens (Sherene Baugher and Lu Ann De Cunzo). Landscape Journal 22 (1): 68-85

2001      Visible Charity: The Archaeology, Material Culture, and Landscape Design of New York City’s Municipal Almshouse Complex, 1736-1797.  International Journal of Historical Archaeology, vol. 5 (2): 175-202.

2001      Turning Archaeological Problems into Archaeological Assets.In Construction in Cities: Social, Environmental, Political, and Economic Concerns edited by Patricia Lancaster, Edward Plotkkin, Jill Lerner, and M. D. Morris, pp: 135-155.C.R.C. Press: Boca Raton, Florida.

1999      The Indians and New York State: Separate Nations or Ethnic Minorities (Sherene Baugher and Robert W. Venables).  In New York in the 21st. Century, edited by Thomas A.  Hirschl and Tim B. Heaton, pp. 75-93. Praeger: Westport, Connecticut.

1997       Anatomy of an Almshouse Complex (Sherene Baugher and Edward J. Lenik). Northeast Historical Archaeology, vol. 26: 1 - 22.

l997       Ancient and Modern United: Archaeological Exhibits in Urban Plazas (Sherene Baugher and Diana Wall). In Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths edited by John H. Jameson Jr., pp: 114 - 129.  AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, California.

1987      Ceramics as Indicators of Class and Status in Eighteenth Century New York (Sherene Baugher and Robert W. Venables).  In Socio- Economic Status and Consumer Choices in Historical Archaeology, edited by Suzanne Spencer Wood pp. 31-53.  Plenum: N. Y.


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